Ecommerce New Business SEO Case Study

See how Moose May helped a new business hit the ground running with search.

Within 30 Days:

Sales by Search
Site Traffic by Search

The SEO Challenge

Company A was completely new, with a new product and a new brand — everything new. Ranking on Google while new isn’t easy, and SEO takes time; SEO is a process, not a goal. They also did not know what keywords they wanted to rank for or why.

The Optimization Solution

Before launching their site through Shopify, Moose May completed competitive keyword research, creating a guide to which keywords would be best for customer personas. Keyword prioritization was based on long-tail keywords.

We implemented these keywords on-page (titles, metas, image alts, content) and worked with Company A to make a strategy for blogs, press releases, and social media for keywords in the future.

Moose May’s SEO strategy drove 18% of all sales in the first 30 days post-launch, and that number steadily increased. Additionally, Company A received 15% of site traffic from search and 82% direct (when not including social traffic, which was driven by ads).


Take Note:

Keyword Research is always the first step! You may think you know what your customers are searching, but let’s be sure. When launching a new brand, you have a long way to go with rankings because you’re starting at no rankings at all. While we saw SEO drive 18% of sales in the first 30 days post-launch, we know that number will increase over time.

Focus on the end goal, be realistic, and have patience as a new brand.

*Company A’s name is not disclosed due to wanting statistics to stay confidential. We know data is valuable, and we respect that with our clients.

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